Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Some would say there are different types of serial killers those who say that would be right in the sense that they all plan their killings in different ways. Of course every serial killer has the same cruel and mentally ill objective (to kill), but that does not necessarily mean the same mentality. That is probably why this subject is very interesting to me, trying to understand the minds behind such an aggressive and most terrible crime.

How does one even have the mental capability to take a life? In certain cases you do not have to be mentally unstable, some do it out of spite or revenge for something very severally unfair and life threatening towards them or someone they care about (ex; A father killing the person who killed his son) which does not make them a serial killer. A serial killer is defined as a person who murders three or more people usually due to abnormal psychological gratification.

Each killer has a different mentality which determine their success in murder, meaning how it works out well, if its traceable/untraceable, how many people they are capable of killing etc. The two main types of serial killers are the organized and unorganized these are the biggest and most obvious traits that differentiate the workings of serial killers.

An organized killer: This killer is more dangerous because they are highly intelligent and capable of planning things out thus ensuring that their plans do not fall through by making planning out every detail. They leave no traces of their killings, and in some cases hide the body until they desire the body to be found. An organized killer will chose wisely their victim by watching them for days on end and once they decide the best option they follow their chosen victim for a long enough time to know when and how to attack. Some of these criminals have different tactics on how to get close enough to kill, some watch behind the scenes and wait for a chance to enter into the victims territory. Other killers try to literally get close to the victims by gaining their respect or a friendship to possibly be invited into their home this adds suspense which also gives them a higher satisfaction when committing the crime

An unorganized killer: This killer is impulsive and kills whenever they get a chance. They do not plan things out and usually do not take the time to cover up their tracks. Usually an impulsive and organized killer does not have a planned victim before hand they just kill, which is why they are constantly moving towns/cities. This killer simply is of low intelligence and does not think about what they are doing.

The brain of a serial killer is hard to understand but their are obvious difference between them and reasons as to why some are so hard to track down. The mind of a continuous killer is unsane, they are psychotic. Their are more possible psychopaths in even you're own city/town than you think.

Click here to find out what kind of serial killer you'd be?



  1. Wow! Amazing blog Mikayla. I really enjoyed reading the difference between organised killers and unorganised killers. The test was pretty cool, can't lie about that one! Turns out i'm more of a serial killer than I thought. According to the test, I'm more of a hitman. Thanks for the read, looking forward to more information about serial killers.

    1. Thank you Chris! I'm glad you enjoyed my blog and were able to learn something new from it. I put the test there so people can see what part they would take in a killing and how suitable they are to be a killer. Since that was your result I am slightly worried about your mental sanity. Either way, I am happy my blog interested you and I hope you keep reading!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post! It is very informative, and it really had me learn about the subject. I think that the subject of serial killers as your blog is pretty cool, and I look forward to reading more posts. Great job! Keep up the good work!

    P.S: I liked the idea of the quiz

    1. Thank you Daniella! I am glad you were able to take in the information that I tried to provide as an introduction to my blogs. I just figured that many people do not know about how intelligent a killer can actually be. Some of them are not only psychotic, but also organized to the point of OCD. I just figured I'd differenciate them in order to further help those reading understand the minds behind the killings.

  3. Wow mik I am really impressed with all this information. Never knew their could be so many differences between serial killers. I honestly thought they were categorized the same. Also the serial killer test was an awesome had it was really fun finding out what type I would be. Keep up the good work:)
